Phoenix Admin Dashboard free to download Website Template
Themewagon March 24, 2022
Phoenix is now available for free. Bundled with Webpack, it offers a good range of usability and customization options. A dashboard, six authentication pages, an entry page, two error pages! All included in the box of Phoenix.
- Built on Bootstrap 5
- CSS3 & HTML5
- Clean & minimal design
- Cross-browser tested & optimized
- Full-width layouts
- No jQuery dependencies
- Webpack 5 based workflow
- Opinionated code formatter Prettier for a consistent codebase
- Modular markup based on Cards & Utility classes
- Interactive and functional components and pages
- Font Awesome 5
- Functional ChartJS, Echarts & Leaflet Maps
- W3C validated HTML pages
- Figma design file
In The Box
- Bootstrap 5 version of the theme
- 64 HTML files in Bootstrap 5 version
- All demo images & videos
- CSS & SCSS source codes
- JavaScript source codes
- Pug source codes
- All plugins & libraries
- Documentation
- Figma Design Files
Next: Tailor Brand Square Logo Designs 2022
Supported Devices
Android, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, iPhone, Opera, Safari
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