Filterable Input Dropdown Box jQuery Plugin

Indri Muska July 17, 2023


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The Filterable Input Dropdown Box jQuery Plugin is a simple and lightweight solution for improving the user experience of choose boxes on your website or online application. Users may simply search for and select choices using this plugin, as well as add their own unique options. Its adjustable features enable smooth integration into your existing design.

How To Use Filterable Input Dropdown Box jQuery Plugin :

Include the compiled CSS file in the head section of your html page.

Include jQuery library and the Filterable Input Dropdown Box jQuery Plugin JS file at the bottom of the page.

Add the HTML select tag with options

Call the function on an existing select element and we're ready to go.


Customizable options.

  // enable filter
  filter: true,
  // default, fade or slide
  effects: 'default',
  // fast, slow or [0-9]+
  duration: 'fast',
  // Where to append the dropdown list.
  appendTo: 'body',
  // "focus" or "manual"
  trigger: 'focus',
  // callback events
  onCreate: function () {},
  onShow: function () {},
  onHide: function () {},
  onSelect: function (element) {}

Also Checkout the full documentation for events and callback functions

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