jQuery Pagination Plugin with Asynchronous Data Load

Leon Shi March 09, 2023


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Pagination Js is a powerful, highly customizable, and styleable jQuery-based pagination system for long content that improves webpage readability.

Pagination Js Features

  • Text and numbers for pagination are customizable
  • Supports both local and remote data via Ajax requests.
  • Numerous options/methods/events to meet your specific requirements.
  • Customizable CSS styles

Pagination Js Implementation


$ npm install paginationjs --save

# Bower
$ bower install paginationjs --save

Load jQuery library and the jQuery

Call the plugin function and set the options.

  dataSource: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... , 195],
  callback: function(data, pagination){
    // template method of yourself
    var html = template(data);

Configuration Options


// Data source
// Array | String | Function | Object
dataSource: '',

// String | Function
locator: 'data',

// Total entries, must be specified when the pagination is asynchronous
totalNumber: 1,

// Default page
pageNumber: 1,

// entries of per page
pageSize: 10,

// Page range (pages on both sides of the current page)
pageRange: 2,

// Whether to display the 'Previous' button
showPrevious: true,

// Whether to display the 'Next' button
showNext: true,

// Whether to display the page buttons
showPageNumbers: true,

showNavigator: false,

// Whether to display the 'Go' input
showGoInput: false,

// Whether to display the 'Go' button
showGoButton: false,

// Page link
pageLink: '',

// 'Previous' text
prevText: '«',

// 'Next' text
nextText: '»',

// Ellipsis text
ellipsisText: '...',

// 'Go' button text
goButtonText: 'Go',

// Additional className for Pagination element
//className: '',

classPrefix: 'paginationjs',

// Default active class
activeClassName: 'active',

// Default disable class
disableClassName: 'disabled',

//ulClassName: '',

// Whether to insert inline style
inlineStyle: true,

formatNavigator: '<%= currentPage %> / <%= totalPage %>',

formatGoInput: '<%= input %>',

formatGoButton: '<%= button %>',

// Pagination element's position in the container
position: 'bottom',

// Auto hide previous button when current page is the first page
autoHidePrevious: false,

// Auto hide next button when current page is the last page
autoHideNext: false,

//header: '',

//footer: '',

// Aliases for custom pagination parameters
//alias: {},

// Whether to trigger pagination at initialization
triggerPagingOnInit: true,

// Whether to hide pagination when less than one page
hideWhenLessThanOnePage: false,

showFirstOnEllipsisShow: true,

showLastOnEllipsisShow: true,

// Paging callback
callback: function(){}


Pagination Events

// Go to the previous page.

// Go to the next page.

// Go to the custom page. 
container.pagination('go', 8)

// Disable the plugin

// Enable the plugin

// Hide the pagination

// Destroy the plugin

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